Nance and Underwood Rigging and Sails
    Quality Rigging Since 1988
      Lloyds Accredited
        First in Service and Installs

954-764-6001 · 800-328-9782
Credit Cards Accepted

WICHARD Shackles and Snap Hooks
WICHARD Shackles and Snap HooksWichard's is the standard in marine fittings. Wichard carefully controls and guarantees the quality of its products and stamps its name and insignia on each part. For each manufacturing batch, mechanical characteristics are checked by sampling (destructive tests).

Wichard Shackles

Wichard is certified ISO 9002/AQAP 120. Functional limit and break load are given in this catalog. The product will no longer function beyond this load capacity. The breaking load is the static load applicable to the product, which leads to total failure, either by rupture or deformation. Wichard generally recommends not going past 80% of the functional limit.

Wichard Shackles Wichard uses top-quality grades of stainless steel in its products. The first type is a low carbon steel (316L), which offers good mechanical characteristics. They are non-magnetic steels and most of Wichard's products are manufactured in this grade. The second (17.4 PH) is a martensitic steel (heat treatable and magnetic), which is referred to as high-resistance steel (HR). 17.4 PH stainless is stronger but subject to corrosion if surface is not polished, passivated and properly maintained. All Wichard products are passivated. Corrosion attacks stainless and is always visible in the form of black colored roughness. Although this is dangerous, it is rarely seen in current use, except in cases where martensitic (HR) steel is in total, prolonged immersion. In the marine environment, stainless steel is subject to considerable aggressive forces and is not totally corrosion free. Repassivation can be accomplished with a passavator such as Wichinox. All stainless steel demands a minimum of upkeep.

Nance & Underwood Rigging and Sails is your source for all of your rigging, sails, sail handling equipment and services world wide. We can ship rigging, sails, and sail handling equipment anywhere. No matter where you are, Nance & Underwood will always be here to assist you. We can arrange the repair of your rigging hardware and/or sails here in our facility. Contact Us today for more information.

Nance & Underwood Rigging and Sails
262 SW 33rd Street · Fort Lauderdale Florida 33315
Ph: 954-764-6001 · Fax: 954-764-5977 · Toll Free: 800-328-9782
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